Year 7 Admissions

The Holy Cross School is a Roman Catholic secondary school for girls aged between 11 and 18. It is under the trusteeship of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Southwark and has academy status.

Year 7

The school is a 5 form entry school, with an intake of 150 students in each year group. There are 5 mixed ability registration groups. All our successful Year 6 applicants will be tested (after offers have been accepted and confirmed) to determine any streaming. Streaming ensures students are taught in the appropriate teaching group for their ability.

Girls transferring from Year 6 at Primary School to Year 7 at Secondary School must submit the Common Application Form (CAF) to their Local Authority Council (LAC). If you do not live in the Kingston borough, you need to apply through your borough’s LAC and you can include Kingston schools in your application. In order for our school to apply our admissions criteria to applications made, our school requires additional information. Please complete the optional Supporting Documentation Form (SDF) if you would like your application to be considered under one of the faith criteria. From September 2025, the Planned Admission Number (PAN) for entry into Year 7 will be 150.

Ready to Learn Bundle

At Holy Cross, all students joining the school will sign up to the Ready to Learn Bundle, which provides them with the essential tools and resources for their academic journey. This comprehensive package, which includes an iPad, helps create an effective learning environment by integrating technology into the curriculum. It not only ensures students have access to the resources they need, but also supports their development of digital literacy skills. For more details about what’s included in the Ready to Learn Bundle and how it benefits your child, please visit our dedicated page here.

Year 7 Open Evening

Our annual Open Evening for Year 7 entry in September 2025 took place on Monday 30th September. The Open Evening is an opportunity for parents and prospective students to meet subject teachers, talk to students, listen to the Headteacher’s talk, take a student-led tour of the school grounds and speak to admissions personnel. You are welcome to watch our school video to hear about our school’s unique ethos and richly diverse community.

Open Mornings in October (Autumn Term)

Our Open Mornings took place in October. 

Waiting List

Please note placing your daughter’s name on the waiting list does not guarantee that a place will become available. Your daughter’s position may move up or down as applicants provide additional information to support their application, or join or leave the waiting list.

Waiting lists will be maintained by Kingston Council until 30th June 2025. Parents/carers must re-apply via Kingston Council Admissions if they would like their child’s name to be added to the waiting list for the 2025-26 academic year.

Admission enquiries should be made to the Admissions Manager:

Mrs Silvana Saragosa-Voysey

25 Sandal Road
New Malden
​KT3 5AR

Direct Line: 020 8714 5039


How to apply

Application forms should be either posted to the school (to the main school address) or hand-delivered to the School Office during school office hours (8.00am to 4.00pm). If you would like confirmation of receipt, please include a stamped self-addressed envelope with your application. Please note we do not accept application forms, certificates or baptism or other additional documents submitted via email.

When completing your application form, please refer to the Admissions Policy relevant to the school academic year of entry. Parents/Carers of girls applying for Year 7 entry in September 2025, should refer to the Admissions Policy for 2025 entry.

Please complete the SDF form if you are applying for Year 7 entry in September 2025 and would like your application considered under one of the school’s faith criteria. Catholic applicants can optionally ask their parish priest to complete a Certificate of Catholic Practice form (CoP) if they would like to evidence their daughter’s Mass attendance. The CoP form is available from your parish priest. Please refer to the Education Service of the Archdiocese of Southwark website by clicking [here] for further guidance on school admissions.

Please visit the In-Year Admissions page to download and complete the In-Year SIF form if you are applying for Year 7 entry in the 2024 - 2025 academic year and would like your application considered under one of the school’s faith criteria.

Appeals for Year 7 Entry in September 2025

If your application for a Year 7 place is unsuccessful, you are entitled to appeal this decision to an Independent Appeal Panel, which operates independently of both the school and the Local Authority, in accordance with the School Standards and Framework Act 1998. Before appealing, we strongly advise you to review the reasons for not being offered a place and consult our Admissions Policy.  Appeals must include the grounds for your appeal and any supporting evidence. For further information, please refer to the School Admission Appeals Guide (Source: Educationappeals Dotcom Ltd) and use the button below to access the appeal form.  

Please note the last day for lodging appeal forms for a place in Year 7 in September 2025, is 4.00pm on Wednesday, 2nd April 2025.

Admissions Policy Documents For Entry in September 2026

Practising Catholic applicants should submit a Certificate of Catholic Practice (CoP), which can be obtained from their parish priest or requested and collected from the School Office. Where possible, please provide the original completed certificate. If only one original is available, submit a copy to the school and retain the original.

The admission arrangements for entry from September 2026: