Year 7 Transition Timeline
Submitting application forms
The closing date for submitting the CAF (Common Application Form) to your local authority council and for submitting the SIF (Supplementary Information Form) to the school is 31st October.
Please ensure that you complete the school’s Supplementary Information Form (SIF) if you would like your application to be considered under one of the faith criteria.
Late applications
The deadline for submitting ‘late for good reason’ SIF applications to the school is 9th December.
The reason and evidence must be included with the application. For more information on late applications please visit your local authority website.
National Offer Day
National Offer Day for Year 7 entry in September is on 1st March. Please note all online applicants will be notified by their local authority of school place outcomes on the evening of National Offer Day.
The deadline for the return of acceptances is 15th March. This is the date by which you must let the school know whether or not you accept the offer of a place in Year 7.
Second round offers will take place after 30th March. Any vacancies in the second round will be offered to girls on the waiting list (ranked according to the school’s admissions policy).
Please check the Appeals Form for the deadline for submitting appeals. The completed appeal form and any additional supporting evidence must be submitted by this date.
Student Assessment Day
In the middle of May a Student Assessment Day is organised. All successful applicants are required to sit a series of CAT (Cognitive Ability Tests) tests to determine streaming. The test provides us with information that will help accurately place girls in the appropriate teaching group for their ability.
Summer Term
Transition visits
Throughout the Summer Term, transition visits for students with EHCPs or significant needs will take place. Transition visits are arranged for individual students where a need for this has been identified.
Student Induction Day & Parent Information Evening
Induction Day always takes place early July. This is an enjoyable opportunity for new girls to spend a day in school and experience a taste of life in our school community, meeting classmates and teachers.
Parent Information Evening takes place in the evening of Induction Day. Parents/carers of successful applicants are invited to attend an evening with information on how we plan the transition from Year 6 into 7, to share the ethos of the school and our partnership with you.
New cohort Activities Day
At the end of August the new cohort are invited to attend an Activities Day. The school requests a £10 contribution per child to cover costs. The ever popular Activities Day takes place every year and all girls are encouraged to attend – an excellent opportunity to meet some of their teachers and make new friends.