Catholic Social Teaching

“…the Church’s social thought is primarily positive: it offers proposals, it works for change and in this sense it constantly points to the hope born of the loving heart of Jesus Christ.” Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium 183

The Principles of Catholic Social Teaching are the bedrock of our work and everything we strive for at The Holy Cross School, and are a unifying thread running through our whole curriculum and our daily life.

In September 2021 we began our journey with the Romero Award, gaining our Level 1 Participator accreditation in 2022. This work inspired us to reach for the next level.

After a robust assessment process we were delighted and proud to be awarded the Level 2 Developer status in Autumn 2023. This was an amazing affirmation of our commitment to social justice and Catholic Social Teaching.

As a school we have been working on building an understanding of each of the principles through whole school and year group assemblies, RE lessons, our Homework Planners, School Badge competitions, cross referencing in our policies and also building a common language that we all understand and can use confidently.

As a staff, we have had training in this area and most recently we worked with Raymond Friel on how to embed CST into our taught curriculum across the subjects.

See below for some explicit examples of this in each of our curriculum areas.


Click below for more information about how Catholic Social Teaching is embedded in our curriculum.

Human Dignity

Participation & Subsidiarity


Preferential Option for the Poor

The Common Good


Care of Creation