
We praise God for the vast diversity of creation and for fulfilling the promise to bless all the nations by including them in Christ: “I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb.”

The Holy Cross School abhors all forms of racism and discrimination. We are an inclusive school that celebrates diversity across our community to ensure that staff and students feel a sense of safety and belonging. We are committed to being an anti-racist school and to engaging in perpetual learning and reflection to ensure that the work towards dismantling structures of power and privilege continues. We will continue to work to foster an environment in which human dignity and equality for all, the bedrock of Catholic Social Teaching, are promoted.

The Holy Cross School has been awarded the RACE Charter Mark Silver Award, has appointed an Assistant Headteacher with responsibility for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and has launched a Student Diversity Ambassadors Programme.

We are committed to delivering the following:

  • Regular anti-racist training for all staff

  • Race and other DEI elements will be a weekly feature of students’ active tutorial time

  • Continuing to develop and deliver a more inclusive and diverse curriculum so that our lessons better equip students to live, work and thrive in an increasingly diverse world

  • Regular monitoring of DEI data and development of appropriate action plans to address highlighted issues

  • Thorough investigation of any incidents of racial inequity and/or discrimination

  • Seeking feedback from all our stakeholders, especially those from the Black and Global Majority communities

  • Regular reporting to governors about our anti-racist and wider DEI work and progress

  • Strengthening our links with local organisations such as Kingston Race and Equalities Council and Kingston BEATS, as well as with training providers like Building Anti-Racist Education (BARE) and Diverse Educators to further our anti-racist work

  • Sharing best practice with other schools embarking on their anti-racism journeys

  • Forming and fostering partnerships with our Sixth Form Partnership’s DEI Lead, as well as with other local schools through our Student Diversity Ambassadors Programme


2023 Racial Justice Review