Performing Arts

About the Department

Performing Arts is taught by Mrs J Walsh (Dance), Mrs A Vickers (Drama) and Mr L De Carolis (Music).


Performing Arts is a vibrant and central part of life at The Holy Cross School. From one student accompanying on the piano at Staff Prayers in the Chapel, to an ensemble playing before Open Evening or the Christmas Shopping Evening to the whole school musical with keen performers, musicians, technicians and stage-hands, to the very lively Rock and Pop Festival or Gym and Dance Display, there are many opportunities for students.


There are specialist facilities for each area with a Dance Studio, a Drama Studio complete with lighting and sound box, and a Music Suite which is well-resourced with keyboards, guitars and percussion instruments, a recording studio, 2 practice rooms and a drum room.

Performing Arts Intent:

Our intent is to provide a varied, exciting and inclusive performing arts curriculum where all students can learn to be creative, confident and skillful performers. This is delivered through a variety of topics containing practical and written elements to enhance the students’ knowledge and understanding of the different skills used in each of the performing arts subject. We would like our students to achieve a sense of awareness for the performing arts world and have a wider understanding of music, dance and drama both practically and theoretically as well as for our students to become a generation of children who are both artistically literate and lovers of performing arts.

Within Dance, the students explore a range of genres, stylistic features and choreographic devices, with the aim to gain confidence, performance skills and develop their dance technique in a safe and stimulating environment. The schemes of work all include areas of social, moral, spiritual and cultural themes to encourage wider knowledge and awareness within students’ learning.

Within Drama, the students develop and explore their confidence and self-esteem through their practical skills when examining the elements of characterisation focusing on vocal and physical techniques. We focus on the social, moral, spiritual and cultural themes within a variety of schemes of work covering a range of knowledge developing key skills and terminology for the subject.

Within Music, the goal is to inspire and engage students to develop a love of music and develop their talent and skills through participation in a wide range of historical periods, genres, styles and traditions, including the works of the great composers and musicians. Through learning music, students increase their self confidence, creativity and a sense of achievement as well as a better understanding of the world around them.

Instrumental Tuition Lessons

At Holy Cross, we run our own music tuition taught by highly experienced teachers alongside the Kingston Music and Arts Service (KMS) for students who would like instrumental or singing lessons. Girls in years 7 to 9 come out of subject lessons on a rotational basis where possible. Girls in year 10 and upwards are given priority to have lessons before school, during breaks, in study periods or after school. Instrumental tuition lessons covered include: Voice, Violin, Flute, Clarinet, Saxophone, Guitar, Piano and Drums.

Peripatetic Music Teachers:

Guitar / Drums – Ms Dylan

Piano – Mr Shin

Piano & Harp – Ms Aspinall

Piano – Ms Oh

Violin – Mr Wang

Voice – Ms Weir

Piano (KMS) – Ms Khoryshko