The Holy Cross School is a mainstream Catholic girls’ secondary school.  All students, irrespective of ability, are offered a broad and balanced curriculum which can be personalised to meet specific needs.

We aim to enable and encourage all students, who are of equal worth and dignity, to develop their spiritual, academic and social abilities to the full.

We want them to obtain maximum benefit from the opportunities which are made available and to grow to be mature, caring citizens who are able to make a successful transition into adulthood, whether into further or higher education, training or employment.

The Holy Cross School will have due regard for the Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice 0 to 25 Years; following the statutory guidance for working with and supporting children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities.

The SENDCo at The Holy Cross School is Ms C. Cappalonga. She is a qualified teacher.

She can be contacted via email at or by telephone 020 8714 5051.

Ms K Santoo is the Assistant Head for Inclusion.


Types of Support

St. Theresa Student Support Area

Year 7 Resilience Programme

Student Transition

Frequently Asked Questions About SEND Provision

SEND Reforms

SEND Information Report